Country-Wide Author Workshops in Latin America by Enago

Colombia/Mexico: Staying updated about the various aspects of the publishing process is extremely important for early-stage researchers, especially student researchers who are also ESL. In this vein, Enago, in collaboration with three of the largest universities in Latin America organized a series of workshops for researchers across the region. The participating universities comprised Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Mexico), Universidad EAFIT (Colombia), and Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia). The call for workshop activity elicited an unprecedented response of over 2300 interested researchers!

The first workshop topic was an introduction to Academic Writing, Submission, and Publication. After a brief discussion on the research publication landscape in Latin America, we presented some important practical advice and quick tips on how to write better manuscripts for publication in international peer-reviewed journals. We also addressed in detail the importance of effective planning and preparation of manuscripts for publication and selecting the right journal. The next workshop focused on the peer review process and what should authors do when they receive a rejection letter from the journal. In this session, the audience was explained the different reasons for a manuscript getting rejected and how to avoid these issues. If however the manuscript does get rejected, understand the exact nature of the rejection, and there is always a chance for you to revise the paper and get published in the same or a different journal. The objective of this session was to equip authors with the necessary tools to process reviewer feedback and resubmit with confidence.

“This series of workshops enabled our Latin American audience to gain a nuanced understanding of the different stages involved in the publication cycle, right from how to prepare a manuscript to how to revise a manuscript based on journal feedback. Every researcher goes through this journey and the earlier they know about certain does and don’ts, the faster they will achieve publication success. And that’s exactly what we aimed to impart through our workshops here.” said Rajiv Shirke, Vice President, Global Operations, Enago.


latin-patriciaDr. Zambrano, from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León mentioned, “Thank you Enago for conducting the workshops here at UANL, Mexico. The response was simply overwhelming! The Q&A sessions were enlightening for the attendees and the speaker’s connection to the audience was excellent. Throughout the sessions, the best practices and tips shared by Enago have given our academics an insight into improving their chances of getting published in high-impact journals. We are sure that acquiring such knowledge will expedite the global dissemination of research conducted in Latin America.”

Dr. Cárdenas, from Universidad Nacional de Colombia added, “It is important to note that research production in Colombia has been increasing in recent years. In this vein, the workshops conducted by Enago helped the country’s researchers in expanding their knowledge, thereby helping them to publish their research results successfully. The two sessions allowed them to explore topics such as writing scientific manuscripts, use of publishing technological tools, open access publishing, and communication with journal editors, among other aspects. The workshop was handled by Enago’s speaker in an appropriate manner and met the expectations of the audience. This will undoubtedly help the participants to improve the dissemination of their research work at an international level.”

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