Ingenta Joins the Meta AI Network: The Future of Search Engine

The research output has increased significantly over the years. According to one estimate, 2,000-4,000 papers are published every day in biomedicine field alone. The sheer volume of research makes it impossible to read all the papers. To increase the access to relevant content, Ingenta has recently partnered with the Chan Zuckerberg Meta. Meta, used to be known as Sciencescape, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to address this issue. Meta indexes all the papers in repositories like PubMed. The AI searches the internet to gather information on the authors of research papers. Meta also makes connections between the papers based on how each author cite which papers. It then ranks those papers by importance, thus, making it easier for scientists to find the papers. It also ensures that they do not miss the most important papers in their field.
Meta also has the ability to learn from your search history. It uses that data to give updates on new research papers that are relevant to your search history. It then creates a knowledge graph of all the published data. This graph reveals connections between all these papers. This makes it easy to identify the trends and future breakthroughs in a research field. Funders can use this information to make decisions on allocation of grants. Additionally, researchers can use it to plan future research projects. It can also track a scientist’s progress or help decide on future collaborations.
In January 2017, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative acquired Meta. The funding from this initiative will allow free access to Meta soon. Sam Molyneaux, Meta’s CEO, said that the focus would be to provide quick access to Meta users, who will benefit from its unique AI capabilities.
There are more than five million research articles available through Ingenta Connect and Ingenta Open (Ingenta Open is an open access platform). The partnership will add these platforms to Meta’s knowledge graph. This advanced discovery service will change how readers discover Ingenta articles. Under the new agreement, Meta will power searches on Ingenta platform. It will simplify how scientists identify, sort, and prioritize the papers they need to read, enabling researchers to work effectively.