Essential Checklist for Researchers About to Conclude Their Study

Manuscript drafting is one of most important stages of the publication journey. However, this doesn’t mark the end of the journey. After the manuscript is drafted, there are a few crucial stages of the publication journey. Research is a long process and several researchers, especially early career researchers, get stuck during any of these stages. For example, you are about to complete your research but suddenly you realize that you missed out some crucial data. What should you do then? Or, maybe you have selected your target journal but are unsure if you should go for this one or look for another high impact journal. After all, publishing in high impact journals is a dream for every researcher. However, this is not an easy job, especially with the high rejection rate in these journals. There is also the possibility that you are not sure whether your study is ethically compliant. Or, maybe you are aware of the term “research promotion” but don’t know how to begin with it. How about having checklists which you can go through for all the above situations?

Concluding Your Research? Make Sure You Do it Right

Completing your research is a great achievement. However, this sense of accomplishment may get you overwhelmed and you may miss out certain key points that are important for your research. One such common mistake researchers commit during their study is missing out on the proper documentation of the results. Missing out just one data point may ruin all of your study. After all the hard work that you have put into your research, you cannot afford to falter at the last moment. For this very reason, our experts have drafted a checklist exclusively for researchers who are about to conclude their study. This checklist is exactly what you need to ensure that you have done everything right and will help you safely conclude your study. You can go through the checklist available here before you submit the final results.

Make Sure Your Research is Ethically Compliant

With the rise of scientific misconduct in the global academic community, a researcher needs to be aware of the ethical guidelines, applicable both for him and the research participant(s). While a few basic rules of research ethics remain the same for a researcher, the rules with respect to research participants may slightly differ for human and animal participants. In general, analyzing non-adherence to ethical norms is extremely difficult, and in some cases, drawing a clear line between misconduct and misunderstanding is very difficult. Although researchers do recognize ethical norms, they are interpreted and applied in different ways at different institutes. Check this checklist and go through some of the basic guidelines related to research ethics and make sure you have complied with that.

Get Your Research Patented Now!

Copyrights of one’s research are important for the researcher’s academic career. To retain the same, researchers use patents. A patent is a form of intellectual property, which gives its owner the right to prevent other researchers from making, selling, using, and importing an invention for a specific period, usually twenty years. This checklist takes the researcher through the journey of patenting. It helps the researcher understand the intricacies involved in patenting and also provides an understanding of how different patenting is as compared to publishing an article in the journal. Download the checklist and make sure your patent application follows the guidelines.

Benefits of Publishing the Research in High Impact Journals

With the large number of research articles being published every day within academia, getting research published in merely any journal is no longer a feasible option. High impact journals have the ability of reaching a larger target audience, hence more beneficial for a researcher’s academic career. However, high impact journals also have a higher rate of rejection. Through this checklist, carefully curated by our experts, we give you a list of key points that you should keep in mind right from the process of journal selection to actually drafting the manuscript.

Don’t be Shy to Promote Your Research Effectively

Once the research is published in a journal, whether in high-impact or a local journal, it needs to be promoted effectively. Promotion of research has several means, such as active promotion on social media platforms, or a poster presentation at a conference and so on. In fact, researchers also have to build their own profiles very strongly for their research to be recognized amongst their networks, thereby ensuring that others working in their field take notice of it. We have drafted a checklist to help you with research promotion tips. This checklist gives a list of essential considerations that you need to keep in mind if you want to effectively promote your published research.

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