Share Your Experiences With 2 Million+ Researchers!

It has been several months now since the pandemic struck us and forced us to rethink the way we work and operate. With many countries imposing widespread lockdown restrictions, the research community has been severely affected. Most laboratories have shut down for an indefinite period of time and a lot of research has come to a grinding halt. Research funding has faced a major setback too, with considerable reductions in funding. Several early-career researchers, pursuing education or work in foreign countries, have been forced to leave midway and return to their countries for an indefinite period of time.
Under such circumstances, we are keen to know “How are you, the researchers, are coping with this crisis?” Keeping this in mind, we are inviting you to share your personal experiences with us. Our authors and subscribers will get a chance to know about your experiences and may even derive help or inspiration from these.
Not an active researcher? You can still be a part of this movement! COVID-19 and the resulting lockdown have affected several others in the publishing, funding, university and education communities too.
Send us a draft with a summary of your thoughts and personal experiences (be it positive or negative) at Your responses and experiences will help us get a better understanding of the impact this pandemic has had, globally.