Checklist: Guide For Writing a Successful GPF Application Essay

This checklist will guide the students through the GPF application writing and submission process. GPF or Global PhD Fellowship is organized by Korean Research Foundation. This program provides financial support to eligible graduate and postgraduate students. The application essay is divided into four forms: Form 1 (Introduction of Applicant), Form 2.1 (Academic Plan), Form 2.2 (Research Proposal), Form 3 (Academic Transcript) and Form 4 (Major Research Achievements). Each form is extensive in nature and students might miss out on any of the important details while filling. Going through this checklist will help researchers ensure that they have filled in the application essay correctly and minimize the chances of making errors, while filling the form. Funding is important for the progress of a researcher’s career as it determines the extent to which the research can be taken ahead. Not only is GPF fellowship amount adequate for most research, but also this will provide a national recognition to the researcher’s work.