CAS-TWAS PhD Fellowship Program in China

PhD fellowship is one way for students to get financial support while they pursue their degrees. Doctoral fellowships offer PhD students a way to build network, do important research, and enhance their careers. A fellowship also offers real-world experience that can help students find a job after they graduate. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) have announced a partnership to offer a PhD fellowship. The fellowship, named the CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship Program, comes as a blessing for young international researchers. Let us know some more about this fellowship.

Another Boost for Science in China

China has been making headlines as it continues to invest strongly in science and scientists. China overtook the US in scientific publications in 2017. It also had 63 of the top 1,000 universities in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2018. Now with the new PhD fellowship offering from CAS-TWAS, China is further increasing its global reputation as a destination for young scientific researchers. Up to 200 students and scholars from all over the world can avail this fellowship and get up to four years of funding for doctoral degrees. This could mark the beginning of China becoming a research hub for young scientists.

Who is Offering this Fellowship?

TWAS was founded in 1983 by a group of scientists from the developing world. Its first leader was Abdus Salam, a Pakistani physicist and Nobel laureate. The organization aims to promote young scientists and engineers from the developing world. Its mission includes promoting South-South and South-North collaboration in science, technology, and innovation. It also encourages scientific research and knowledge sharing to solve major problems faced by developing countries.

CAS was founded in 1949, and still plays an active role in China’s science and technology planning and education. The Academy has a long history of international cooperation, as well as an extensive network with science and research institutes across China and the globe. Together, these two institutions offer a unique and exciting opportunity for international researchers to broaden their horizons by studying at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) or Institutes of CAS around China.

What Does the Fellowship Cover?

The fellowship spans over a range of subjects. It includes basic science subjects like Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences as well as advanced ones like Agricultural Sciences, Engineering Sciences. It provides full funding for up to four years. The fellowship also includes four months of Chinese language and culture courses. All recipients will receive a monthly stipend to cover living and housing costs. Tuition and fees are waived. For the overseas students, the fellowship will cover their travel and visa costs.

Who is Eligible for this Fellowship?

To be eligible for this fellowship, a person should:

  • Not be more than 35 years of age on 31 December 2018;
  • Refrain from taking up other assignments during the period of his/her fellowship;
  • Not hold Chinese citizenship;
  • Meet the admission criteria for international students of UCAS/USTC (criteria of UCAS/criteria of USTC).
  • Hold a master degree before the beginning of the fall semester: 1 September, 2018.
  • Provide evidence that he/she will return to their home country on completion of their studies in China according to CAS-TWAS agreement.
  • Provide proof of knowledge of English or Chinese language.

How Can I Apply?

To apply for this fellowship, students should first contact an eligible supervisor from UCAS or USTC and receive their approval. Potential applicants should send an email to the supervisor explaining why they want to apply for this opportunity and include their CV, research proposal and any other required documents. After being accepted by a supervisor, applicants should complete an online form and include all required documents. Applicants must also submit a separate application to UCAS or USTC. Besides this, they should have two letters of reference.

Have you done a research fellowship? Please let us know about your experiences in the comments section below.

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