My Article Still Under Review

Hello Everyone, My article is still under review. I want to know how many days it will take to get an article published. Does anyone know?
Enago Academy Changed status to publish
The duration of the review process and the time it takes to get an article published can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the journal or publication you have submitted to, the specific field of study, the complexity of your research, and the individual circumstances of the review process. It is difficult to provide an exact timeframe as it can range from a few weeks to several months.
To get a better estimate, you can consider the following steps:
- Check the journal’s website: Visit the journal’s website where you submitted your article and look for information regarding their average review time or turnaround time. Some journals provide estimated timelines or statistics on their website to give authors an idea of how long the review process typically takes.
- Contact the journal’s editorial office: If you cannot find the information you need on the website, you can reach out to the editorial office of the journal via email. Politely inquire about the status of your submission and request an estimated timeline for the review process.
- Consider potential delays: Keep in mind that unexpected delays can occur during the review process. Reviewers might require more time to assess your article, or the journal may have a backlog of submissions. Factors like the quality of your article, the availability of reviewers, and the revisions required can also affect the overall timeline.
Enago Academy Answered question