Having Meals With Family May Have a Role to Play in the Physical Appearance

In recent times children and adolescents are under tremendous pressure to maintain a particular physical appearance from social media and pop culture. Having a good relationship with food from eating breakfast and spending meal time with family might have a significant impact on well-being. A study conducted in 300 schools in all 50 states and Washington D.C. on 12,000 students, they analyzed data on eating behaviors, including frequency of eating with the family, especially breakfast with a parent. An assistant professor at Washburn University, along with other researchers published a study “Eating breakfast and family meals in adolescence: the role of body image,” in Social Work in Public Health. The study reported that eating breakfast frequently during the week was connected with positive body image. About 50 percent of the sample reported eating breakfast five days a week; whereas more than 30 percent reported eating breakfast fewer than five times a week, and finally nearly 17 percent reported never eating breakfast. Boys were more likely to eat breakfast than girls. Ramseyer Winter pointed out that the health behavior of a parent may have a long term effect on a child.In addition, the 50 percent sample with healthy food habits such as eating breakfast and having family meals together — could be concomitant with body image.
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