Does Rocking Motion During Sleep Improve Memory?

Babies are often rocked to sleep, just so that they do not cry. But did you know that rocking can even improve the sleep and memory? According to two studies published in Current Biology, besides improving upon the sleep, rocking motion during sleep helps improving the memory as well. The two studies were conducted on young adults and mice, respectively. On rocking during a 45-minute nap during the first study, the young adults slept off more “soundly”. They also observed that the brain oscillations were affected by the rocking motion, synchronizing the neural activity in certain parts of the brain. This might be helpful in improving the memory. The second study on mice had similar results and proved that being rocking to sleep has positive effects irrespective of the species. Researchers feel that these studies may be helpful in finding newer cures for insomnia and other related memory disorders.
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