Similar Words With Subtle Differences

Due to its diverse influences, the English language is full of seemingly illogical constructions and rules. However, correct usage of language should be an editor’s forte and attempting to understand some of these rules helps in correct application of these rules, and consequently, error-free editing.

A well-known idiom says that great minds think alike. It’s what we say when two people think of the same great idea at the same time. Note the usages of the words “alike” and “same”—they are similar but not the same. Let’s look at some other words that are commonly confused.

Enago Academy: Enago Academy, the knowledge arm of Enago, offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources on academic research and scholarly publishing to all levels of scholarly professionals: students, researchers, editors, publishers, and academic societies. It is also a popular platform for networking, allowing researchers to learn, share, and discuss their experiences within their network and community. The team, which comprises subject matter experts, academicians, trainers, and technical project managers, are passionate about helping researchers at all levels establish a successful career, both within and outside academia.