Understanding Researcher Awareness and Compliance With Ethical Standards – A global study

Ethical considerations are the bedrock of credible research. It lays the foundation of research by building reliability of scholarly pursuits. However, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has added a new layer of complexity to the ethical dimensions in the ever-evolving landscape of research.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the current practices and challenges in upholding research integrity, especially with the growing advancements in AI, we have launched the 7th edition of our global survey, “Ethical Dimensions Shaping Research: A comprehensive survey mapping the adoption and compliance of research integrity” as a part of our Research Risk Assessment initiative.

Survey Focus Areas

The survey revolves around critical aspects that shape the ethical framework in research:

  1. Investigating the extent to which researchers and institutions adhere to established ethical standards and guidelines.
  2. Identifying common challenges in upholding ethical standards and seeking effective solutions for improvements.
  3. Assessing the effectiveness of training programs related to research ethics in academic and research settings.
  4. Exploring the ethical dimensions of data management, sharing, and storage, focusing on privacy, consent, and responsible data practices.
  5. Investigating perceptions and adherence to ethical standards in the publication process, including authorship, peer review, and conflict of interest disclosures.
  6. Evaluating the awareness and adherence to existing ethical guidelines and exploring the ethical dilemmas encountered by researchers employing AI in their work.

Why Your Participation Matters?

Participating in this survey is pivotal to foster a comprehensive understanding of the ethical landscape within the community. By sharing your insights and experiences, you contribute to shaping the future of research integrity. This concise survey will take only 2-3 minutes of your time but the voice it brings can potentially stir a revolution in the world of research and publishing.

We have something more exciting as well! To express our gratitude for your support, we offer our participants the chance to win an Amazon voucher worth USD 20. Additionally, the selected contributors might be featured in interviews or avail free article submissions on our global digital platform.

Wait No More!

Your voice matters. Engage in this survey, share your perspectives, and be a part of bringing a change!

Anagha Nair: Anagha Nair is a Scientific Content Expert by profession who thrives on understanding and simplifying the intricacies in academia. Her educational qualification as a Masters degree holder in Biochemistry is a testament to her solid academic background in research with papers published in scientific journals. She has been actively involved with various organizations dedicated to advancing research. Driven by curiosity, Anagha is enthusiastic to learn and evolve in the field of science communications. Her commitment to dilute complex topics and issues in scientific publishing into captivating narratives makes her blogs relatable for young and aspiring research minds.