When you are searching for a research study on a particular topic, you probably notice that articles with interesting, descriptive research titles draw you in. By contrast,…
A style guide is a reference book that provides rules for writing, such as grammar and syntax, in specific disciplines. These include how to format citations and references, which…
So you have carefully written your research paper and probably ran it through your colleagues ten to fifteen times. While there are many elements to a good research article, one of…
A systematic review is often used to analyze current medical research landscape or scope and to identify new research areas. Systematic reviews are used as the basis for…
Image manipulation in manuscripts has become an emerging type of research misconduct, with nearly 4% of papers exhibiting some type of suspicious image alteration. Between Google…
Authors are required to follow referencing styles in academic writing. The Harvard style of referencing uses an author-date format for citations. Unlike other referencing styles,…
Choosing the right pronoun for instances where a person’s gender is unknown or does not conform to the social norms is a topic that has been much discussed and debated. English…
Increasingly, academic and scientific journals are requiring authors to submit their manuscripts with additional or supplemental material. These requirements can be found in the…
Chartjunk, coined by Edward Tufte in his book entitled The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, refers to decorations in a graphic that have no purpose. In many cases,…
Have you ever struggled to find the right word while framing a sentence? Well, you are not alone here! We often get confused while using words in sentence that have similar meaning…
Image credits:Kristina Devoe via Kom-mun-i-ka’-ti-o
Whenever you refer to another work, or idea in a written document, it is important to cite the source. There are a number of…
Supplementary information can be a very valuable tool in academic publishing, allowing authors to provide important additional material—such as experimental details, data sets,…