International and Interregional Migration: Theory and Evidence

Authors : Francisco L Rivera-Batiz (Columbia University, USA)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3208-70-4

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Global and regional migration flows have exploded in the last few decades. Written by renowned migration expert, Francisco L Rivera-Batiz, this book provides a collection of articles offering a comprehensive overview of the economic analysis of migration flows and the associated policy issues. A rich discussion of the various theoretical approaches and empirical evidence available in economics is presented to analyze international and interregional labor migration. Furthermore, policy reforms, such as immigration policy changes made in the US and other countries in recent years, as well as innovative new approaches are examined. The chapters in the book focus on the economic impact of immigration, the consequences of the brain drain for developing countries, the characteristics of migrants and how they fare in host countries, the policy controversies surrounding undocumented immigrants, the determinants of attitudes and opinions about migrants, and the causes and consequences of interregional and internal migration. Overall, the book provides a guide for the serious, scientific analysis of migration flows.
"Francisco L Rivera-Batiz is Professor Emeritus of Economics and Education and an Affiliate Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. Dr Rivera-Batiz received his Bachelor's degree from Cornell University and a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has held teaching or research appointments at various universities, including the University of Chicago, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers University in New Brunswick and the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Educational Testing Service and the Russell Sage Foundation.

Rivera-Batiz has carried out extensive research in the fields of international, labor and development economics. His articles have appeared in leading economic journals such as American Economic Review, International Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Human Resources, and Journal of Population Economics. His research and opinions on migration issues have been published in the Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and New York Times."
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