Noncommutative Cosmology

Authors : Matilde Marcolli (California Institute of Technology, USA & Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada & University of Toronto, Canada)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3202-83-2 (Hardcover), 978-981-3202-84-9 (Softcover)

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Modified gravity models play an important role in contemporary theoretical cosmology. The present book proposes a novel approach to the topic based on techniques from noncommutative geometry, especially the spectral action functional as a gravity model. The book discusses applications to early universe models and slow-roll inflation models, to the problem of cosmic topology, to non-isotropic cosmologies like mixmaster universes and Bianchi IX gravitational instantons, and to multifractal structures in cosmology.

Relations between noncommutative and algebro-geometric methods in cosmology is also discussed, including the occurrence of motives, periods, and modular forms in spectral models of gravity.
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