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Enago Substantive Editing Service

MS in Biological Engineering
5 + YearsUnited States


This editor has 5 years of experience in editing manuscripts. She holds both masters and bachelor’s degrees from the University of Arkansas. She is a member of the Water Environment Federation and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Areas of expertise

Agroecology, Fisheries/Aquaculture, Sustainable agriculture, Urban and industrial agriculture, Biotechnology, Bioprocess engineering, Biomaterial science, Biomodeling, Evolutionary biology, Agricultural microbiology, Soil microbiology, Industrial microbiology, Environmental microbiology, Conservation (habitat, wildlife, species, water), Ecology, Environmental chemistry, Environmental engineering, Environmental material sciences, Environmental resources, Soil sciences, Waste management


MS, Biological Engineering, University of Arkansas, USA
BS, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Arkansas, USA

Work experience

Applications Engineer, BlueInGreen, LLC
Research/Teaching Assistant, University of Arkansas

Affiliations / Memberships

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Young Professional Community
Water Environment Federation
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers