Handbook of the Sociology of Youth in BRICS Countries

Authors : Tom Dwyer (University of Campinas, Brazil), Mikhail K Gorshkov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Ishwar Modi (University of Rajasthan, India), Chunling Li (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China), Mokong Simon Mapadimeng (University of Limpopo, South Africa)

Publisher : World Scientific

ISBN : 978-981-3148-38-3

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Youth are, by definition, the future. This book brings initial analyses to bear on youth in the five BRICS countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which are home to nearly half of the world's youth. Very little is known about these youth outside of their own countries since the mainstream views on "youth" and "youth culture" are derived from the available literature on youth in the industrialized West, which is home to a small part of the world's youth. This book aims to help fill in this gap.

The handbook examines the state of youth, their past, present and permits the development of insights about future. The BRICS countries have all engaged in development processes and some remarkable improvements in young people's lives over recent decades are documented. However, the chapters also show that these gains can be undermined by instabilities, poor decisions and external factors in those countries. Periods of economic growth, political progress, cultural opening up and subsequent reversals rearticulate differently in each society. The future of youth is sharply impacted by recent transformations of economic, political and social realities. As new opportunities emerge and the influence of tradition on youth's lifestyles weakens and as their norms and values change, the youth enter into conflict with dominant expectations and power structures.

The topics covered in the book include politics, education, health, employment, leisure, Internet, identities, inequalities and demographics. The chapters provide original insights into the development of the BRICS countries, and place the varied mechanisms of youth development in context. This handbook serves as a reference to those who are interested in having a better understanding of today's youth. Readers will become acquainted with many issues that are faced today by young people and understand that through fertile dialogues and cooperation, youth can play a role in shaping the future of the world.
Tom DWYER, is Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), São Paulo and coordinates Study Group on Brazil–China Relations at Unicamp. After doing his Bachelors from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, he obtained his PhD from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. He was the President of the Brazilian Sociological Society (SBS) 2005–2009 and a Member of ISA Executive Committee (2010–2014). His best known work in English is "Life and Death at Work: Industrial Accidents As a Case of Socially Produced Error". He holds a Research Productivity Scholarship from the Brazilian Council for Scientific & Technical Research (CNPq).

Mikhail K GORSHKOV, is the Director of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He earned his PhD in Philosophical Sciences in 1989. He is renowned for his investigations in social philosophy, sociology of mass consciousness and sociology of public opinion, methodology and methods of sociological research, sociology of youth, sociology of identity, sociology of social inequalities, sociology of everyday life in Russia, etc. In 2011 he was elected Academician (Full Member) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Ishwar MODI, was Professor at The IIHMR University and was also the Founding Director, Centre for Leisure and Tourism Studies, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. He is a former President of the Indian Sociological Society and Member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and also the President of the ISA Research Committee on the Sociology of Leisure (RC 13). His major publications include Leisure, Mass Media and Social Structure (1985), Emerging Trends in Indian Sociology (1986), Drugs: Addiction and Prevention (1997), Human Values and Social Change (2000), Ageing and Human Development (2001), Themes in Social Stratification and Mobility (2009), Leisure and Civilization: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives (2010), a four-volume set on Modernization, Globalization and Social Transformation (2012–2014), Mapping Leisure across Borders (2014), India between Tradition and Modernity (2014), Politics and Religion in Contemporary India (2014). Prof. Modi is also the Series Editor of a ten-volume set Readings in Indian Sociology published by SAGE (2014). He is also on the Editorial / Editorial Advisory Board of several Indian and foreign Journals.

LI Chunling, is a Research Fellow, Professor of Sociology, Director of Youth Studies and Social Problems and Professor in the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). She received her BA and MA in history from Peking University and a PhD in sociology from CASS. Her primary research interests are social stratification, sociology of education and youth studies. Her published books include: Attitudes, Experiences and Social Transformation: A Sociological Study of "Post-1980" Youth; Rising Middle Classes in China, Gender Stratification and Labor Market; Formation of Middle Class in Comparative Perspective: Process, Influence, and Socioeconomic Consequences; Theories of Social Stratification; Cleavage or Fragmentation: An Empirical Analysis on the Social Stratification of the Contemporary China; Social Mobility in Urban China.

Mokong Simon MAPADIMENG is currently Professor of Sociology at the University of Limpopo, South Africa and was formerly Associate Professor of Sociology at Northwest University. He obtained his PhD in Sociology from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). He is a former Senior Lecturer and the Head of Department of Industrial Organisational and Labour Studies at UKZN and a former Research Manager at National Arts Council of South Africa. He served on the Board of the Association of Non-Fiction Authors of South Africa (ANFASA). He is the past President of the South African Sociological Association (SASA) and currently serves on the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Amongst his recent publications is the book titled Contemporary Social Issues in Africa: Cases in Gaborone, Kampala and Durban, Africa Institute of South Africa, 2010.
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