間違いやすい用語や表現 – from

(1) [誤] The behavior described in the previous section is constrained from the
(1) [誤] above-stated conditions.
(1) [正] The behavior described in the previous section is constrained by the
(1) [誤] above-stated conditions.
(1) [正] The behavior described in the previous section is subject to the
(1) [誤] above-stated conditions.
(2) [誤] This function is independent from t.
(2) [正] This function is independent of t.
(3) [誤] We investigated samples consisting from approximately 100 layers of
(3) [誤] graphene.
(3) [正] We investigated samples consisting of approximately 100 layers of
(3) [正] graphene.
(4) [誤] From the next section, we investigate the more general case.
(4) [正] In the next section, we begin investigating the more general case.
(4) [正] We begin investigating the more general case in the next section.
(4) [正] Our investigation of the more general case begins in the next section.
(5) [誤] In the present case, the effect from the local defects on the global behavior
(5) [誤] cannot be ignored.
(5) [正] In the present case, the effect of the local defects on the global behavior
(5) [正] cannot be ignored.




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