Know About the Popular Open Access Journals in Your Field

Open access (OA) publishing has not only helped increase the visibility and impact of the research but also facilitated quicker dissemination of knowledge to the academic community. According to the 2015 STM report, there were >28,000 English language peer-reviewed journals and >6,400 non-English language peer-reviewed journals in 2014. Moreover, the number of open access journals has significantly increased in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

With this increase, it has become important to compare several factors and metrics to assess journal quality on the grounds of reputation and influence. Besides referring to the most commonly used Impact Factor, researchers also refer to the SCImago Journal Rank or SJR to choose an appropriate journal in their field of research. In this infographic, we have shared the list of the most popular OA journals in different fields, based on SJR.

In the next infographic of the OA series, we will have a look at open access policies and mandates from a global perspective.

(Click to enlarge the infographic)

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