Whether you have just completed drafting your future bestseller or you are struggling to frame your query letter to your literary agent, our highly qualified book editing services will transform your words into perfection. Our professional book editors and proofreaders work with manuscripts targeted for traditional publishers or self-publishing services. You can leverage the benefits of these services along with the subject expertise of our skilled editors to make your book publication ready.
Authors can choose from 3 levels of editing services
Enago specializes in providing book Proofreading services that optimize the readability and accuracy of the content. All our proofreaders are highly professional individuals with years of experience in proofreading books. Submit your final manuscript and Enago proofreaders will thoroughly check it for errors related to grammar and punctuation. If any problems are discovered, they will be corrected and flagged to you.
This service is designed for authors who require higher language accuracy in their books. This two-stage editing process, carried out by a subject-matter expert editor and a professional language expert, covers everything from basic copy editing (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.) to larger, overall elements of your manuscript such as readability and formatting.
This is our top-tier premium service that specifically caters to the needs of quality-conscious book authors looking to improve global readership through extensive enhancements made our expert editors. This service covers all aspects of the Standard Language Editing service. Additionally, it covers advanced editing components like logic, structure, and presentation of your manuscript.
End-to-end support by Enago to make your book ready for publication.
Author submits manuscript for editing
Enago edits and delivers manuscript to author
Author reviews file & discusses under Enago’s Q&A service
Enago edits as required & delivers publication-ready manuscript
Author submits manuscript to publisher
Author receives comments from publisher
Author submits any edits to Enago under manuscript insurance
Enago edits and delivers publication-ready manuscript