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Trinka offers support to both the publisher and author, helping provide a faster publishing service, enhancing the author experience and reducing publishing costs associated with long editing processes—without sacrificing service levels. 

How can Trinka be used to support the publisher journey?


  • APIs check submission readiness to speed up the screening process
  • Ability to suggest a better journal from the portfolio to the author
  • Language checkers are able to quickly identify offensive language and alert authors
  • Automated grammar correction for TeX files


  • Anonymisation checks
  • Find researchers who have published in the same field
  • Platform for reviewer training


  • Extensive network of experienced editors to provide subject expert copyediting services
  • Identify copy-edit level to ensure the most cost-effective copy-editing workflow
  • Supply an AI-edited manuscript to authors

AI Copy-editing

We offer customisable, AI-powered copy-editing that can be tailored to your preferences, using our language enhancement engine to improve the quality of all submissions in minutes, including automated grammar correction for TeX files. Providing copy-editors with editing assistance made specifically for academic content, this micro-service can be used within your workflow or within AuthorONE.

Enago CWG
Enago CWG

Copy-edit Level Recommender

See the exact copy-editing effort for each manuscript instantly and save time and effort. Our Copy-edit Level Recommender is powered by our proprietary language quality assessment technology and offers the most accurate evaluation for every manuscript. Integrate it at any step within your publishing workflow.

Enago CWG
Enago CWG

Manuscript Screening

Boost technical review with AI-driven readiness checks that enable screening in just a few minutes. From technical readiness checks to plagiarism and ethical compliance, our technology offers a holistic review of every submission instantly—fully customisable to editorial preferences.

Enago CWG

Journal Recommender

Let authors know the best-fitting journal even before they submit. Our AI-powered journal recommendation technology recommends journals exclusively from a publisher’s portfolio. Integrate our Journal Recommender micro-service on your submission page and avoid submissions that do not match the journal.

Enago CWG

Scope Intelligence

Filter non-relevant submissions while cascading the submission within your portfolio with a scope-matching technology exclusively customised to your portfolio. Integrate our Scope Intelligence micro-service at any step within your workflow or see it within AuthorONE.

Enago CWG

Concept Intelligence

Understand the paper and the key ideas in minutes and streamline the peer-review process. Use concept intelligence to boost engagement and stickiness, leveraging existing content on your website.

Enago CWG