Exclusive Loyalty Discount

    • Get up to 50% loyalty discount for your next order.
    • No need to apply, no joining fees.

    The Most Rewarding Customer Loyalty Program in the Industry

    Instant Membership

    Every Enago client automatically becomes a member of the Rewards Club Loyalty Program.

    Save as you spend

    Every dollar you spend means you'll pay less for your next order.

    Effortless satisfaction

    No application. No joining fees.
    No expiry. It's that easy!

    Pay Less with a Single Click!

    You can enter the amount of discount you wish to use or click "Get maximum discount."


    How it Works?


    Place an order


    Reward points accumulate based on purchase value


    Log in to "My Dashboard" and click on "Reward Club"


    Check your reward points balance


    Use the available Loyalty Discount for your next order

    How Your Available Discount is Calculated

    • You earn 1,000 Rewards Points with every order you place, and additional 20 Points with every dollar you spend.
    • Your points are accumulated in your account. You can check it on MyPage. Points never expire.
    • Depending on your Membership category, the Points are converted into a monetary value (available Loyalty Discount).
    • When you place your next order, you can use your available Loyalty Discount amount to deduct up to 50% of the order value.


    Categories & Benefits

    Your Membership Status will depend on your previous year’s purchase records.

    100 points = $0.25

    100 points = $0.25

    Become a Gold Member by earning 150,000 points in one year.

    100 points = $0.15

    100 points = $0.15

    Become a Silver Member by earning 50,000 points in one year.

    100 points = $0.1

    100 points = $0.1

    Become a Bronze Member by earning up to 50,000 points in one year.

    Exclusive access to Academic Services and AI-Based research tools

    Email Editing (2,000 points)

    Our experts will edit your emails for 2,000 points. You’ll need at least 15,000 points in your account to use this feature.

    Readability Score (Free)

    You can check the Flesch reading ease score for your manuscript through which you can determine how easy or difficult your manuscript is to read.

    Journal Finder (Free)

    We use Machine Learning algorithms and AI-based programs to analyze your manuscript on more than 200 parameters to recommend the best journals

    Writing Style Assessment (Free)

    This service will help you sharpen your writing skills and expand your vocabulary, enabling you to create impressive and engaging write-ups.


    How do I know if I am eligible to be a part of this program?+

    If you’ve used any of Enago’s editing, translation, or Publication Support services, you are already part of the Rewards Club! However, if you’re using Enago services via our University and Publication partner portals, different conditions might apply.

    When can I start availing my Loyalty Discount?+

    You can immediately start availing discount for your next order as soon as you have Rewards Points in your account (i.e., as soon as you’ve paid for an Enago service). 

    Does my Rewards Club Membership category affect delivery time or service quality? +

    Your Rewards Club Membership does not affect the processes and time to complete your assignment. 

    How are the membership categories determined?+

    Your membership category depends on your spending in the last 12 months and is adjusted dynamically. 

    What kind of editing is covered under email editing? +

    Enago English editing experts will conduct a thorough language check to help you confidently communicate with your international peers. We edit up to 500 words in each email.

    Can I use my Loyalty Discount when availing a campaign coupon code?+

    Yes, Loyalty Discount is applicable even if you place an order during a discount campaign or use a coupon code on the form.

    What happens to my Loyalty Discount amount if I don't use it? +

    Unused discount amount remains in your account indefinitely. It does not expire. 

    What is the maximum discount for my next assignment? +

    You can get a discount of up to 50% on each order if your available discount amount exceeds the order value. 

    Where can I use my available discount or access Email Editing and the AI tools? +

    Enter your registered email ID (the email you use to place your orders) on the inquiry form, you’ll see the Rewards Club Discount section to apply the discount. To avail other benefits, log into MyPage and click on ‘Rewards Club’ to access the service portal where you can access the academic services and check your point transaction history.

    I've submitted my order. Can I still get the Loyalty Discount?+

    You have to apply available discount when placing the order. You cannot retroactively apply discount once the order is confirmed.