Understanding the Role of AI Automation and Tools in Academic Publishing

Enago is glad to announce the launch of its Global AI Survey that aims to explore the role and impact of AI technologies and tools on the future of academic publishing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has immense appeal in the academic industry. State-of-the-art AI-powered tools are making their way to automate arduous and challenging tasks such as content creation, language enhancement, and peer-review. How is AI being used by academic publishers and researchers? Is this technology indeed simplifying human decision-making? Are AI-based tools successfully reducing the time to publication? Are there any concerns or challenges when it comes to adopting such tools? Questions such as these are of interest to everyone in the academic community.

What is the survey about?

  • Understanding demographic perspectives about AI (based on region, age group, education, gender)
  • Understanding the general perception and awareness about AI
  • Understanding the adoption rate and popularity of AI-based tools among academics (researchers, authors, publishers)
  • Identifying the perceived benefits, limitations, drawbacks, and concerns related to the use of AI in academic publishing
  • Determining if users appreciate the value that AI is delivering or are more concerned about the rise of AI
  • Predicting the future of AI in research and publishing

We hope that this survey will stimulate you to think about ways in which AI is re-shaping the academic publishing landscape and the different ways the power of this futuristic technology can be harnessed in a scalable way.

That’s not all! 10 lucky winners who share insightful feedback in this survey stand a chance to win an Amazon voucher worth USD 25

Make your voice heard by participating in this survey that will take about 20 minutes of your valuable time. The survey ends on September 30, 2021. All your information will be kept confidential.

Please promote this survey among your peers, colleagues, associates and collaborators inviting them to also share their opinions.

We request you to actively advocate your thoughts and needs to help us make a tangible difference in every academician’s life!


Dr. Shweta Murudkar: Dr. Shweta Murudkar is a published author with several publications in established international journals including Elsevier, Springer, and Taylor & Francis. She pursued her Ph.D. from the Institute of Chemical Technology and worked in collaboration with the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre as part of her doctoral research. Her research expertise includes the fields of molecular biology, genetics, and food biotechnology. Dr. Murudkar began her professional career as a "Life sciences Educator and Subject-Matter Expert". She has leveraged her expertise to develop unique context-based solutions to 400+ questions posted by academics worldwide. With her passion for communicating the latest developments in STEM and academic publishing, she aims to continue guiding research scholars at every step of their publication journey and help them build a rewarding career in academia.