

[誤] This solution, which was first derived by Wallace in an investigation of excitable media, has three critical points.

[正] This solution was first derived by Wallace in an investigation of excitable media. It has three critical points.

[正] This solution has three critical points. It was first derived by Wallace in an investigation of the excitable media.

[誤] The work of Tenna et al. [14], in which the effectiveness of a new method for precisely measuring the error rate in protein synthesis is demonstrated, has been cited as a success of the new phenomenological approach.

[正] Tenna et al. [14] have demonstrated the effectiveness of a new method for precisely measuring the error rate in protein synthesis. That work has been cited as a success of the new phenomenological approach.

[誤] A detailed analysis is given in Section 4, in which the convexity of the intersection of the sets S and T in the present case is demonstrated.

[正] A detailed analysis is given in Section 4, in which it is demonstrated that the intersection of the sets S and T is convex in the present case.

2番目の誤用例には、「work」と「has been cited」、そして「effectiveness」と「is demonstrated」という2組の主語+動詞が存在します。「work」と「has been cited」の組み合わせに関しては、主語と動詞の間に「in which…」という長い関係副詞節が入っていることが問題です。この問題は、最初の誤用例と同様、文を2つに分けることによって解決できます。一方、「effectiveness」と「is demonstrated」の組み合わせの場合は、動詞の受動態を能動態に変え、主語を「effectiveness」から「Tenna et al.」に変えることで修正することができます。




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