間違いやすい用語や表現 – solve



(1) [誤] As proven above, this equation has two solutions. Below, we solve both of
(1) [誤] these solutions explicitly.
(1) [正] As proven above, this equation has two solutions. Below, we derive both of
(1) [正] these solutions explicitly.
(1) [正] As proven above, this equation has two solutions. Below, we derive explicit
(1) [正] expressions for both of these solutions.
(1) [正] As proven above, this equation has two solutions. Below, we obtain explicit
(1) [正] expressions for both of these solutions.
(1) [正] As proven above, this equation has two solutions. Below, we explicitly solve
(1) [正] thisequation and obtain both of these solutions.
(2) [誤] We have solved the energy spectrum.
(2) [正] We have obtained the energy spectrum.
(2) [正] We have constructed the energy spectrum.
(2) [正] We have derived the energy spectrum.
(2) [正] We have solved for the energy spectrum.
(3) [誤] In the following, we solve the time evolution of this system.
(3) [正] In the following, we obtain the time evolution of this system.
(3) [正] In the following, we derive the time evolution of this system.
(3) [正] In the following, we solve the equation of motion for this system.
(3) [正] In the following, we solve for the time evolution of this system.
(4) [誤] In this work, we numerically solved the steady state behavior of the above
(4) [誤] model.
(4) [正] In this work, we numerically investigated the steady state behavior of the
(4) [正] above model.
(4) [正] In this work, we numerically investigated the above model and elucidated its
(4) [正] steady state behavior.
(4) [正] In this work, we carried out numerical simulations of the above model and
(4) [正] elucidated its steady state behavior.




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